Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 4, 5 & 6

I have to say that I anticipated being allot further with our build at this point.  Nothing happened on Monday as the builder was waiting for bricks to be delivered.  Nothing happened on Tuesday as there were still no bricks.  Wednesday bought a little action but not much.  Some bricks were built up in the foundation trenches and along the perimeter of the entertainment area.  On Thursday, after another visit from the local building inspector, the slab was thrown.  The braai/barbecue area was marked out and more bricks were built up.  On Saturaday we paid for the braai unit which will be built in on Monday.  My first choice (if money was no object) was the Jetmaster but we found a great deal on a Megamaster Deluxe 1200.  So effectively Monday should be day 11 of our renovation but will actually only be day 7.  Hopefully things will start to progress rather quickly from this point on.  To be honest, it is not really effecting us right now but as soon as work inside begins I will most certainly be pushing them to speed things up.  Spot the difference?

On a positive note we have decided on the finishes for the kitchen and we are very excited about this.  The only thing that we have not made a final decision on is the work tops as we are struggling to get a quotation which fits our budget.  We really do not want to compromise here so we will probably go ahead and make a compromise somewhere else.  We have also made the final selection of sanitary ware for the bathroom.  This was very hard as I was determined to find a basin which matched the shape of the bath exactly.  The basin should arrive this week and we can move forward with getting our custom floating vanity unit made.  We are hoping to have this done in a solid kiaat which which we will be tie in nicely with our kitchen and our current furniture.  I have been a little safe with the finishes but I think it will all work beautifully together.  Our home is not very large so I think it is important to stick to similar finishes to maintain a good flow from one space to the next.

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