As we approach the end of May, winter is settling in along with more rain and more damage to the leaking roof! I am so frustrated that I could scream. The waterproofing company who installed the skylights have been out to take a look and double check their work even though they insist that the leak is coming from elsewhere. The builder has not bothered to come and look even though he has said he would. So back and forth we go between the builder and the waterproofing company. If the job had been contracted strictly to the waterproofing company as agreed then this could get sorted out but the way it is going now, I don't foresee it being resolved. I imagine that we will have to contract another company to come and fix it at our expense. "Whatever" is the word that comes to mind. Actually, a few other choice words come to mind but I will continue to behave like a lady!
The bathroom is also still not complete. Who would believe that a custom vanity could cause so much trouble. Friends of ours practically had a mansion built (and completed) faster than our silly little renovation.
I would love to finish the second half of this reno but I am scared. Yes, I have learned a few lessons but the whole idea of doing this again is frightning.
It has taken me this long just to get over myself.
I’m so sorry to hear about your troubles with your roof! Maybe getting a second opinion from a different roofing or construction group can help. They would be an unbiased view on what the problem may be. It would then be easier to speak about the problem with your current construction group. Hope this helps, and good luck with the rest of the renovation!